Clean-up Day Held in Bailey Green
August 19, 2020

Today was an amazing day for Bailey Green! We had roughly 100 volunteers come together — with masks and gloves — to lead a clean-up of our neighborhood. Volunteers worked in small, safe groups and included Independent Health's Red Shirt Team, youth from the Buffalo Urban League and Frontier High School's National Honor Society, Buffalo Common Council Members Mitchell Nowakowski and Bryan Bollman, the Urban Fruits & Veggies team, Buffalo Peacemakers, and of course our Harmac employees. We picked up litter and debris throughout the 10-block neighborhood, fillings dozens of dumpsters and totes with hundreds of pounds of garbage and recyclable materials. We also dropped off fresh produce and dairy foods to the neighborhood's 300+ residents. Our deepest thanks go out to everyone who volunteered today and helped our residents feel hopeful and proud of their community!